Monday, March 29, 2010

quickie from "The Cap"" (Haitien)

...just long enough to do a couple of "cut and pastes" from my Facebook:

just came through some of the wildest “rush hour traffic” I have ever seen; please don’t tell my Mom or Beth that I did it on the back of a little motorcycle with two other grown men! This has been another day of complete sensory and spiritual overload!!!

...and don't ask me how, but I stumbled onto a tiny corner of the place I'm staying in where I can often pick up an unsecured wi-fi signal -- in Cap Haitien!!! I mean, when ya think about it, communicating by wi-fi is miraculous enough from anywhere. This is wayyyyyyyyy over the top -- especially in contrast to the neighborhood we experienced this afternoon. Honestly, if anyone ever hears me whine about "not having" something ever again, you have my ongoing permission to whack me firmly in the side of the head!

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