Tuesday, March 30, 2010

heading out again...

...I honestly don't know how I can get a wireless connection from this little corner of this building. It is just one in a long string of things that continue to blow me away!
There was a smaller crowd last night. pastors say it is to be expected for the first few days as people realize it isn't "just" a party or some foreigner here with handouts. They seem very pleased with how things are going, though. I have been asked to teach in two more places.
Last night's "translator" did much more than just put the words in their language. The dude brought it to true Caribbean life!!! I thought I was sweating; the dude was drenched!!! He said he loved sharing that kind of a message...although "his part" was normally twice as long as what I was saying!!!
At the end, when they asked people if anyone would like to come to the front with questions or for prayer, one guy came all the way up on the platform, past the musicians and all the instruments and right to the Pastors who were still seated at the back. Just one more thing to add to the "I've never seen before" list!
Oh, yesterday morning at breakfast I was kinda kicking myself for not having brought vitamins (not a lot of fruit and veggies here, obviously). When my breakfast showed up, guess what was staring at me from my plate? Papaya pieces! A little dry and wrinkly, but tasty as all get-out!
Gotta go; we're hopping a bus to head "out of town" to the school that Pastor Adam started and the church that grew up from it.
Sensory and spiritual overload continues!!!

Lots of love...

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