Thursday, October 25, 2007

first steps

If you track the demographics and the labels that accompany them, I would have to admit that I am a "Bummer." That is, part Buster, part Boomer. I am right at the break point that separates the two in pretty much any article or book that I've seen on the subject.
That affects this first posting. On the one hand, I am just barely young enough to know that blogging is one of "the" methods of communication in '07. On the other hand, I am just barely old enough to be somewhere between intimidated by and terrified of technology that your average 11 year-old can master faster than it takes for a Wii to power up.
Anyway, it involves writing...which I hope proves to be a positive thing. Writing is one of my favorite forms of therapy (cathartic venting?), if nothing else, this is an outlet/excuse for that.
Whether anyone joins me in my blog journey is yet to be seen.

Peace (in the fullest biblical sense of the word)
For the Kinzels in Keeto,

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